7.11 Request for externally required signal
In complex systems, the controller can request the flow temperature required from a primary
controller. The required flow temperature is requested at the analog output AA by using a 0
to 10 V signal. 0 to 10 V correspond to 0 to 120 °C.
If the heating coil control signal exceeds the limit value
Change when Y1 MAX , the request
for the externally required signal is increased gradually until the value
Flow requirement
MAX is reached. When the value falls below the limit value Change when Y1 MIN the re-
quest for the externally required signal is, in turn, gradually reduced until the set value is be-
MIN AA. When the system is inactive, the output for the request for the externally re-
quired signal is always at 0 V. A new operating phase is started with the same request for
the externally required signal that it ended with; when operation starts with the start-up func-
tion, the temperature set under
MAX AA is always requested.
Request for externally required signal
90 °C
90 °C
10 %
90 %
Fb20 = ON
MIN AA (flow requirement) / 0 to 120 °C
MAX AA (flow requirement) / 0 to 120 °C
MIN (change when Y1) / 0 to 100 %
MAX (change when Y1) / 0 to 100 %
EB 5477 EN
System-wide functions
t [s]
t [s]
Fig. 25 · Request for the externally required signal
Control signal Y1 %
Externally required
signal °C