6.11.9 Condensation detection
In all systems with cooling coil with a dehumidifying function, a condensation monitor can be
activated for chilled ceilings. As soon as condensation is detected in standard operation, the
set point of the control is raised by 3 °C. If the condensation monitor indicates normal state
again, the set point correction is reset.
Condensation detection
Fb40 = ON,
BE4, BE7
STEIG: Reaction to make contact
FALL: Reaction to break contact
After selecting Fb40 = ON, only one input appears on the display, the binary input BE4 or
BE7 is already being used somewhere else.
6.11.10 Circulation pump control for the heating coil
The circulation pump of the heating coil is controlled by the binary output BA1. If the system
goes into operation due to the time schedule of the ventilation with the system start-up func-
tion, the circulating pump is switched on before the time-of-use starts at the time set under
Pump advance running time for start-up.
Without the system start-up, the circulation pump is activated at the earliest when the
time-of-use begins. In systems with an outdoor temperature sensor, the circulation pump’s
operation depends on the parameter
Start-up when the outdoor temperature is lower: If the
outdoor temperature is above this limit value and the control signal Y1 is 0 % for approxi-
mately three minutes, the circulation pump is switched off. First when Y1 > 0 %, it is activated
At the start of a time-of non-use (system deactivation) the circulation pump of the heating coil
is switched off after three minutes lag time, provided there is no demand for operation from
the functions, stand-by monitoring or stand-by control. During the summer deactivation, the
circulation pump of the heating coil is basically switched off. It is activated daily for approx-
imately one minute to prevent it from becoming jammed up.
Range of values
Start-up when the outdoor
temperature is lower
5 °C
0 to 10 °C
Pump advance running time for
300 sec 0, 60 to 900 sec
EB 5477 EN
Control functions