Sams elektronik d.o.o. • [email protected] • www.sams.rs
This option includes:
- SELECT CORNER - this option controls in which corner of the screen will be the inserted logo
- PLACE SELECTION - this option controls the place of the inserted logo by control buttons up-down-
- H-POSITION - This option controls the horizontal position of the logo by entering values. The value
is entered in the box next to the button, after which it is necessary to click with mouse button (do
nor press ENTER/RETURN).
- V-POSITION - This option controls the vertical position of the inserted image by entering values. The
value is entered in the box next to the button, after which it is necessary to click with mouse button
(do nor press ENTER/RETURN).
General rules:
1. The logo is preparing an application Adobe
2. The image size is 256x128px.
3. The logo is made in the RGB color palette.
4. he final version of the logo is converted to an 8-bit palette (Indexed colors).
6. The final version of the character is saved as BMP.
The sign is (in principle) prepared in two ways. The rule, which is used depends mainly on ways how
logo was created.
1. Logo preparation in application Photoshop
(raster logo) requires that the logo must be originally
made for the size of the preparations for the inserter (we do not recommend this method):
- Open a new document sized 256x128px, 300dpi, transparent background.
- Open raster logo. The sign can not be scaled. It will lose quality.
- Position the logo in the middle.
- Convert to 8-bit palette (Indexed colors)
- Select logo (Ctrl+click on layer) -> Meni: SELECT -> INVERSE (Shift+Ctrl+I)
- Paint background in BLACK (R:0 G:0 B: 0)
- Save As BMP.
2. Logo preparation in application Photoshop
(vector logo):
(This variant is the most common and recommended as preparation)
- Open a new document sized 256x128px, 300dpi, transparent background.
- Open vector logo (Adobe Illustrator) in Photoshop
- Rasterize Generic PDF Format: Height: approximately 40-60px, resolution 300dpi, Mode: RGB,
Anti-aliased: on/off (this option gives different results, and allowed the user to decide which to use),
Constrain Proportions: ON -> OK.
- Transver logo to preparation window. Position the logo in the middle.
- Convert to 8-bit palette (Indexed colors)
- Select logo (Ctrl+click on layer) -> Meni: SELECT -> INVERSE (Shift+Ctrl+I)
- Paint background in BLACK (R:0 G:0 B: 0)
- Save As BMP.
By selecting images in the Get LOGO, it is not possible later to return to the old macro. The only
solution is to choose another macro and then to return to the previous.