Operator’s manual
PG 150 (F), PG 200 (F)
PG 150L (F), PG 200L (F)
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Fig. 5.
The machine in transport position
Basic information about the operation
In order to ensure proper high-quality operation, as well as to maintain machine's durability
follow these rules::
respect work safety and traffic rules solely,
scissors trimmer can cut branches with diameter up to Ø100mm (10 cm),
keep hydraulic oil consumption for scissor trimmer’s supply pump at max. 45÷60 l/min. For
SaMASZ extension arm such demand is achieved at tractor’s PTO shaft rpm of 300-350 rpm,
it is recommended for the operator before cutting to set the machine in an adequate position and
does not modify such position on a single drive. Such manner of operation provides work safety
and treatment aesthetics,
longer branches should be cut gradually, starting from the top and moving to the bottom for the
likeliness of damaging the tractor by falling cut branches.
remember to adjust driving speed to the thickness and quantity of the branches being cut at the
same time so as not to overload the scissor trimmer and thus prevent it from jamming,
when cutting do not make any perpendicular motion with the extension arm in relation to the
cutting plane as this may damage the cutting bars
cutting plane when using scissor trimmer should be as parallel to driving direction as possible,
it is forbidden to operate the scissor trimmer when cutting bars are contaminated. Sand, rocks,
wires and other solid objects (non-wooden) cause accelerated blunting of blades and their
do not operate the machine if cutting bars have significant plays on guides or there is no
lubricant in between,
it is forbidden to use the trimmer for cutting any non-wooden materials,
for long operating periods, it is recommended, on few-hours basis, to periodically inspect
cutting bars, bolt connections, as well as the scissor trimmer itself,
it is forbidden to operate the scissor trimmer if any damages are found. For further operation,
immediately correct any damages,
if cutting bars become blunt, order their recovery or replace them.