UAIS DEBEG 3400, Electronics Unit
ED3047G142 / 08 (2004-06)
Technical Manual
6 Repair/Maintenance
6.1 Trouble Shooting
t_ue_e07.fm / 21.06.04
Configure > Radar > Indicator > Indicator x > Serial Interfaces > Serial I/O x
Driver, set to NMEA183 (IEC 61162-1/2)
Baud Rate, set to 38400
Wind, set to Connected (if the interface has been used for a ship’s sensor with NMEA183
(IEC 61162-1/2) protocol beforehand, it is not necessary to modify this parameter.)
The Serial I/O Monitor must be started.
Service > Indicator > Serial I/O Monitor
Select the used interface from the drop down list and mark the check box Rx. Start the monitoring
by clicking on Run. The protocol can be saved on a diskette.
Fig. 6-2
Protocol Radar TxD
If the AIS voyage data is modified or safety related messages are sent, the protocol must show tele-
grams corresponding to the telegrams in
. If there is no communication on the interface,
the Analog Interface is defective or has a wrong software version (The software version must be F
or newer. To check the software version, use the Telemonitoring Data menu of the System Main-
tenance manager. The line for the Analog Interface must look as follows: SIR10T GE3044P207 F)
or the configuration of the radar is faulty. See the Technical Manual of the radar for further informa-
If a ship’s sensor is connected to the interface which has been used for the test, it must be made
sure, that all modifications of the parameterization of this interface that were necessary for the test
are cancelled.
Alive message, sent every 15 seconds
Voyage Data has been
modified at the Indicator.
Safety related messages
have been sent.