© 2020 all rights reserved. SAM Medical
and SAM IO
Intraosseous Access System
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Do not use excessive force during insertion. The mechanical rotation of the needle by handle actuation and the
cutting edge of the needle should be the PRIMARY mechanisms to penetrate the bone, NOT the downward pressure.
In unlikely event of driver failure, needle assembly can be used manually. Please refer to SAM IO Needle
Instructions for Use (step 5).
Not for Sternal use.
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on the driver, repeat steps above or discard SAM IO Driver.
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Actuate the driver 1-3 times and ensure no tactile or visible damage is felt or seen before returning the driver to its
storage location. If tactile or visible damage is noted, discard the driver.
Do not immerse or use excessive amount of liquid when performing cleaning and disinfecting.
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needle, actuate driver 1-3 times and if no tactile or visible damage is felt or seen the driver is viable for use.