Normal Operation
After exiting Installer Mode, the device will go to the Home Screen with the
following button functions.
Select heat/cool/auto mode
Select fan operating mode
SETTINGS Enter/Exit User Settings Mode for the following user accessible settings:
C/F temperature units selection
Internal/External temperature sensor selection
Setback set point setup (if P16 is not Disable)
12/24 hour time display mode selection
Set Time (if Standalone or Local mode)
Set Month and Date (if Standalone or Local mode)
Set Year (if Standalone or Local mode)
Enter Program Schedule mode (if P0 = Programmable)
Set temperature offset
Home Screen: Enter Set Point Change mode
Set Point Change: increase or decrease the set point for the selected heat/cool mode
Home Screen: Select what to display under ambient temperature;
time, or set point and humidity.
Set Point Change: Toggle state of permanent hold between ON and OFF