Music iis pplaying tthrough m
my sspeaker ssystem bbut tthe ppause, pprevious ttrack/next ttrack
buttons ddo nnot w
Ensure the music player window on your PC is not minimised. If it is, maximise it and
the controls will work correctly.
When II stop oor pplay ttracks ddirectly oon m
my ccomputer’s m
music pplayer, tthe sspeaker w
no llonger ccontrol tthe ccomputer.
When you first turn your A-250 iFreedom on it will automatically tell your computer’s
music player to stop playing.The A-250 speaker will then be able to directly control
the stop and play functions on your music player.To avoid “confusing” the computer,
always control tracks using your speaker system’s controls and not your computer.
If your music player does not respond to your speaker system’s controls, quit and
then restart the music player application.
My ccomputer ddoes nnot rrecognise tthe w
wireless ttransmitter
Check that the wireless transmitter is switched on. PC – Please go to Settings,
Control Panel, select Sounds and Audio devices,Audio Device tab, and select Saitek
Wireless Transmitter as default audio device.
My A
A-2250 sspeaker aand w
wireless ttransmitter w
will nnot cconnect. H
How ccan II ffix tthis?
If for any reason the wireless connection between the transmitter and speaker is lost,
perform the following steps to re-establish a connection. On the speaker unit, press
and hold down the previous and next track buttons for three seconds.The
wireless symbol will flash rapidly to show that the unit is trying to establish a
connection and the display will read “OK” once the connection is established.
If it still refuses to connect then repeat the above process but then also double-tap
the on/off button on the wireless transmitter. The On/Off LED will rapidly flash
alternately red and blue to indicate that it is attempting to re-discover the speaker.
Once it has “found” the speaker it will slowly flash alternately red and blue to indicate
that it is trying to establish a connection with the speaker.After a few seconds, the
LCD display on the speaker should display "OK" to indicate that the connection has
been established.
My ccomputer iis tturned oon, m
music pplaying oon tthe m
media pplayer aand w
wireless ttransmitter
turned oon bbut II ccannot hhear aany ssound
Check that the wireless speaker system volume is not at 0. Press the “+” button to
increase volume until you can hear the music.
Check that your PC’s system volume is not at 0. If it is, increase the volume control to
the desired level. Likewise, if you are using the 3.5mm jackplug input, check that your
music player’s volume setting is not at 0.
Check that the speaker system is within 15m range of your computer and that there
are no solid metal barriers blocking the wireless signal. If necessary, move the speaker
system nearer the computer and remove any large obstructions.
Check that the batteries have not run out. If the battery level indicator is at 0, replace
the batteries.
On/Off bbutton LLED
LED SStatus
Rapidly flashing alternately Blue/Red In discovery mode - looking for the speaker to
pair with
Slowly flashing alternately Blue/Red
Pairing with the speaker
Flashing Blue every 5 seconds
Paired with speaker and transmitting audio
Flashing Red
Low battery
Power LLED
LED SStatus
Not connected to power or USB
Charging battery (when connected to power
or USB)
Battery is fully charged
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