If you want to connect to a music source such as an iPod or other MP3 player
without using the wireless transmitter (if it needs recharging for example), plug one
end of the 3.5 mm jackplug cable supplied into the MP3 player and the other end into
the socket on the rear right-hand side of your wireless speaker system.
Press the Play/Pause control for three seconds to switch the audio source from
wireless to 3.5mm jackplug input.
If you are using the audio cable to connect, use the controls on your music player to
control track selection, stop start etc, and not the controls on your wireless speaker
Connect your computer to the internet and open your preferred radio station.When
your wireless speaker system is switched on you should hear the radio station
through the speakers. Please note that you will be able to control programmes only if
your internet radio player accepts standard media controls.
Your Saitek 2.1 Wireless Speaker system requires 4 x AA batteries.With normal use
these should last for up to 20hrs play.
Please note that you can also use rechargeable batteries in your wireless speaker
system – these must be taken out of the battery compartment to be recharged.
To save battery life or when the batteries have expired, if you are near a mains power
source you can power the wireless speaker system using the AC Adapter supplied.
Simply plug it into a mains socket and then plug the cable into the power socket on
the rear right-hand side of the wireless speaker system.
Note that the speaker system will only function at its highest volume when the
connected to the AC Adapter.
My iiPod iis pplugged iin tto tthe w
wireless ttransmitter, pplaying aa ttrack aand tthe sspeaker uunit
it sswitched oon, bbut nno ssound ccoming oout oof tthe sspeakers.
First check that the wireless transmitter is switched on and, if it is, that the unit is
sufficiently charged (the On/Off will flash red if the battery needs recharging). If
battery power is low, recharge the unit by following the steps described in the
“Powering Up the Wireless Transmitter section” above.
Check that the LED on the transmitter unit is slowly flashing blue to show there is a
wireless connection between transmitter and speaker unit. If not, follow the steps
described in the “Connecting the Wireless Transmitter” section above.
Check that your iPod or MP3 player’s volume is not at “0”.
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