Beginners’ manual Series xx7│Document 26/835; Version E 2│22.04.2005
Controls AG
Basic procedure for hardware confi guration
Fundamentals of hardware confi guration
Basic procedure for hardware confi guration
Confi guration window
To confi gure a Series xx7 PCD, you use two windows in the xx7 I/O Builder:
• The Station window, where you place the modules for the station structure.
• The “Hardware Catalog” window, from which you select the required hardware
components, e.g. PCDs, I/O modules and interface modules.
Displaying the hardware catalog
If the “Hardware Catalog” window does not display, select
Window > Hardware
. This menu option allows you to display or close down the hardware catalog.
2.2.1 Basic steps to confi gure a station
Regardless of the underlying technology for a station (PCD2 or PCD3), you always
follow the same steps to confi gure it:
1. Select a hardware component from the “Hardware Catalog” window.
2. Drag and drop the selected component into the Station window.
Alternatively, you can double-click on the component in the “hardware catalog”.
The screenshot below shows the basic operation:
Station window