January 2011
First select either DHCP mode
(static IP address).
If the DHCP mode is selected, please specify
with network administrator
If the DHCP mode is not selected, please specify
IP address, gateway IP address, sub network mask) provided by the network
The Terminal Serial Number value field is used only
on the terminal.
When all fields are filled with the data
the Write File button. T
After directory selection,
Figure 15: Build a setting f
Second step: apply changes to the terminal
Remove the bottom cover
the front USB port of the terminal.
Insure that the MorphoAccess®
Storage key with the configuration key
which progress is indicated by audible and visible signals
At the end of the process, two medium
storage key can be removed.
Figure 16: Apply setting file to the MorphoAccess®
Now, the terminal is ready to be connected to the network.
MorphoAccess® VP Series
Section 3:
Connecting a MorphoAccess® to a PC
select either DHCP mode (IP address allocated dynamically), or s
If the DHCP mode is selected, please specify terminal Host name
with network administrator
If the DHCP mode is not selected, please specify terminal IP parameters
IP address, gateway IP address, sub network mask) provided by the network
al Number value field is used only when SSL protocol is
When all fields are filled with the data approved by the network administrator
button. Then select the root directory of the USB mass storage key.
After directory selection, the application creates a configuration file
: Build a setting file on a USB mass storage key
Second step: apply changes to the terminal
bottom cover of the MorphoAccess® VP Series terminal to
port of the terminal.
MorphoAccess® terminal is powered, and then inser
with the configuration key. The terminal executes an internal process
which progress is indicated by audible and visible signals.
At the end of the process, two medium-pitched "beeps" indicates that the USB mass
be removed. The terminal is then restarted, to apply the new values.
: Apply setting file to the MorphoAccess® terminal
Now, the terminal is ready to be connected to the network.
MorphoAccess® VP Series - User Guide
Connecting a MorphoAccess® to a PC
(IP address allocated dynamically), or static mode
terminal Host name in accordance
terminal IP parameters (terminal
IP address, gateway IP address, sub network mask) provided by the network
when SSL protocol is activated
administrator, click on
select the root directory of the USB mass storage key.
the application creates a configuration file and an address
Series terminal to give access to
terminal is powered, and then insert the USB Mass
executes an internal process
pitched "beeps" indicates that the USB mass
The terminal is then restarted, to apply the new values.