MorphoAccess® VP Series - User Guide
Section 3:
Connecting a MorphoAccess® to a PC
January 2011
LAN without DNS Server
This section is about LAN without DNS Server, or with DNS Server but the
MorphoAccess® terminal host name cannot be added to the DNS Server base.
In that case the PC is not able to establish a connection with a MorphoAccess®
terminal using its host name. The IP address of the MorphoAccess® terminal is the
only way to specify the terminal.
It is not recommended to use the DHCP mode for normal operation, as the IP address
of the terminal can change after each power-up.
Static IP address (DHCP is off)
This is the easiest way to connect a terminal to a LAN: the IP address of the terminal
remains the same after each restart, and the Host System need only to know this IP
address to establish a connection with the terminal.
The IP address of the terminal must be reserved in the router by the network
administrator. Please contact the network administrator to require the value of the
network parameters listed below:
The MorphoAccess® terminal IP address (one per terminal),
gateway IP address,
local subnet mask value.
Warning: if the MorphoAccess® terminal uses an IP address already assigned in the
network, the connection to the terminal will be instable.
Dynamic IP address (DHCP is on)
When the DHCP mode is activated in the terminal, at each power up the
MorphoAccess® terminal required an IP address to the network router. It could be the
same IP address as the one assigned before the power up, but it could also be different.
Please contact the network administrator to know if the LAN support DHCP mode.