Safety Speed offers several accessories for our panel saws and routers.
Frame Wheels
The Frame Wheels Accessory allows the tool to be rolled from one location to another in the shop. It includes two
wheels and mounting fasteners.
Wheels are standard on the Models 7400 and 7400XL, and are not available for the Model TR2.
Bolt one wheel to each end of the frame as shown in Figure 35.
Figure 35: Installing the Wheels Accessory
(viewed from rear of frame)
Frame Stand
The Frame Stand Accessory allows the tool to be freestanding in the shop. It includes two long angle-steel
supports that attach to the top of the frame, one strap that attaches to the bottom of the frame, and U-bolts or
other fasteners for mounting them. Slightly different Stands are required for each frame model.
Figure36: Installing the Frame Stand, Model H4 or H5
(Model H5 shown, viewed from rear of frame)