The following are suggestions that give you a general idea of how a panel
saw or router is intended to be operated. No instructions can replace
common sense and experience. Be sure you and all operators have enough
time and material to become familiar with the general operating
characteristics of this tool, and have FULLY READ AND UNDERSTOOD all
general operating and safety instructions.
Limitations of the Tool
Small Work pieces
SSC saws and routers are not recommended for work pieces that are smaller than the carriage.
Do not cut
pieces that are so small that your hand must be behind the carriage to hold the piece in place.
Use a tool
better suited to these applications, such as a table saw, radial arm saw, or band saw.
Work piece Height (Crosscutting)
SSC tools are limited in crosscut capacity as shown in Table II below.
Table II: Maximum Work piece Height for Crosscutting
Max. Height
50 in.(1270mm)
50 in.(1270mm)
64 in.(1625mm)
73 in.(1850mm)
64 in.(1625mm)
73 in.(1850mm)
64 in.(1625mm)
64 in.(1625mm)
62 in.(1575mm)
62 in.(1575mm)
36 in.(910mm)
Work piece Thickness
Maximum thickness of a work piece to be cut with SSC saws and routers is:
2 ¼” (55mm) on the Models 7400 and 7400XL
1-3/4” (45mm) on other models.
SSC recommends using the optional Hold-Down Bar for frequent cutting of materials thinner than ¾”(19mm).
Crosscutting Limitations
When crosscutting (vertical cuts), the work piece must be supported on at least two rollers (Figure 24) for safe
operation and accurate cutting. When you use the optional Midway Fence, the work piece must extend at least 4”
(26.6mm) beyond the carriage on both sides (see Figure 25).
Do not crosscut work pieces that extend more than 5 feet (1.5m) beyond the outermost roller (on a Model C4 or
C5 more than 2 feet (.6m) beyond). To increase available capacity for these larger panels, SSC recommends
using the optional Frame Extensions (Figure 38).