Please do not re t u rn this prod u ct to the sto re!
Your questions and co m m e nts are impo rt a nt to us!
Thank you for purchasing this quality product from Safety 1
s t
. We are confident you will be
pleased with its many features and perf o rmance. If you are having any problems assembling,
installing, or using this product, please call us. We will be very happy to answer any questions
that you may have. Many times there is a simple solution to any problem that may occur.
Talking to us directly will be convenient and save you time.
Call our Consumer Re l ations De p a rt m e nt to l l - f ree at (800) 723-3065
9:00 am to 5:00 pm (EST) Mo n d ay - Fri d ay.
We will gladly answer any and all of your questions
a bout this prod u ct.