•Recharge battery overnight.
•Make sure battery is fully
•May need new battery in baby
•Make sure both units are on the
same channel (A or B)
•Turn off the appliances that may
be causing interference
•Reduce the distance between
the two units or turn off lights
•Switch channel setting on both
Parent’s and Baby’s Units
•Parent’s Unit needs to be at
least 10 feet (3 meters) away
from the Baby’s Unit
•Change both units to the
alternate channel (A or B)
•Check batteries, replace if
•Move the units closer to each
•Battery may be dead, 9 volt battery
needs to be replaced, or rechargeable
battery needs to be recharged
•Make sure wall outlet is working.
•Rechargeable battery needs to be
•Baby’s and Parent’s Units may be set
on different channels
•Appliances with loud fans near units
may be blocking transmission
•Unit may be under fluorescent lights
•Local interference from electrical or
radio frequency appliance near your
•Units are too close together
•Neighbors may have a baby monitor
or cordless phone
•Batteries may be weak
•Units may be too far away from
each other
•Power indicator light not working
•Power is not getting to the unit
•Static or interference in the signal
•Parent’s Unit is making loud noises
•Parent’s Unit is picking up noises
from outside your home
•Weak sound coming from unit
Possible Cause
Tro u b l e s h ooting Your Re c h a rgeable Mo n i to r
O pe rating Ti p s
If you have any questions or comments, please call our toll free Consumer Relations number: (800) 723-3065. We guarantee all of our
Safety 1st products. If you are not completely satisfied, please re t u rn with proof of purchase to:
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, Inc., Europe Ltd. Osopad House, Shenley Road Borehamwood, Herf o rd s h i re WD1TE, Great Britain
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, Inc.
1 1 / 9 8
•Make sure that both units are on the same channel. Even though you may hear your baby’s sounds, proper use of this system
re q u i res that both units must be on the same channel. If the units are on diff e rent channels, the signals from the Baby’s Unit
may still be strong enough to be picked up by the Pare n t ’s Unit, but there will be a lot of static.
•When unit is not in use, remove AC Adapter and be sure the power dial is “Off ” .
•Use your Baby’s Unit AC Adapter when you will be in the same location for most of the day. Use of the adapter provides
maximum power to the unit and provides additional antenna length.
•When using the AC Adapter with household electricity, make sure the outlet has power. Some electrical outlets are
p o w e red through a wall switch in the room. If the Baby’s Unit is plugged in and turned “On”, the power indicator light
should be lit. If it is not, try turning the wall switch in the room “On”.