Low battery indicator will illuminate when it is time to re c h a rge the battery.
Place the receiver in battery stand making sure it is seated pro p e r l y
We recommend that you re c h a rge the battery overnight. The receiver will operate while re c h a rg i n g .
The AC Adapter should be used on the Baby’s Unit whenever possible to increase the life of the batteries. Unit will automati-
cally convert to AC operation when used with the AC Adapter. It is not necessary to remove batteries during AC operation.
Unit will automatically switch back to battery power when disconnected from the adapter.
Pa re nt’s Un i t :
Initial Ch a rg i n g
It is very important that you place the Pare n t ’s Unit (Receiver) with the unit turned “Off” in the charging stand.
Al l ow bat te ry
to charge for at least 4 hours be fo re first use
. This will ensure that your battery is fully charged. The green LED light on the
c h a rging stand will illuminate when the receiver is placed into it and the charging contacts are engaged.
Using the Pa re nt’s Un i t :
Place the Pare n t ’s Unit at least 10 feet from the Baby’s Unit.
Place the charging stand in a location where the Receiver will remain in high use, for example, bedroom, kitchen, etc.
Plug the charging stand into electrical outlet.
When the Receiver is in the charging stand, the battery will continue to charge during normal operation.
Tu rn the Pare n t ’s Unit “OFF” and leave unit in charging stand when not in use. This will allow the battery to receive
a complete charg e .
No te :
If you experience a power failure, the Pare n t ’s Unit (Receiver) will automatically switch to battery power. The unit
will re v e rt to AC power when power is re s t o re d .
Set the Pare n t ’s Unit to setting “A”. If you experience static or noise interf e rence, switch both units to setting “B”.
No te :
C o n f i rm the Pare n t ’s Unit and Baby’s Unit are set to the same setting (A or B). Adjust the volume so you can hear your
baby at all times.
LED Sound Level Light Indicato r s
The three (3) LED’s in the center of the Pare n t ’s Unit light up to display the sound level coming from your baby. These sound
level indicators are preset in the factory and are not affected by the volume setting. This feature allows you to see the re l a t i v e
volume level of your baby’s sounds. It is most effective if you are in a noisy environment and may not be able to hear the
sounds clearly. The louder the sound, the more LED’s will light up.
Using the AC Ad a p te r
Re c h a rging the Bat te ry
Replacing the Re c h a rgeable Bat te ry
The Parent's Unit (Receiver) re q u i res 1 Ni-Cad re c h a rgeable 3.6volt,300 mAh battery pack. To ensure that you are purc h a s i n g
the proper replacement battery pack, we recommend that you bring the existing battery pack with you to re f e rence. It is criti-
cal that the connector on the end of the battery pack is identical to the connector on the enclosed battery pack. (Figure 2)
Figure 4
U n s c rew the battery door located on the back of the Parent's Unit(Receiver).
Remove the Ni-Cad re c h a rgeable battery pack from thebattery compartment by gently disengaging the two connectors.
( F i g u re 3)
D i s c a rd the old Ni-Cad re c h a rgeable battery pack pro m p t l y.
Reconnect the new battery pack by re-engaging the two connector ends. (Figure 4)
S c rew the battery door back on to the Parent's Unit (Receiver). Ensure that the door is securely fastened.
Place the Parent's Unit (Receiver) in the charging stand with the unit turned "OFF".
Al l ow the bat te ry to charge for at
least 4 hours prior to use.
Figure 2
Figure 3