The ring holder is a “push fit” to the gun.
To remove it from the gun, simply pull it away from the gun.
To change the pin holder use spanners as the figure shows.
While holding the nut in place, unscrew the pin holder
counter clockwise.
Use one 8mm spanner and one 10mm for
8-9,5 mm and M8 pinholders.
Two 10mm spanner for M10 and M12 pinholders.
Make sure that pinholder is tightened to the gun,
otherwise a spark can destroy the axle and the pin holder.
The pin holder must have a tight grip on the brazing pin, otherwise you can have a contact fault
or a spark can arise and destroy the pin holder.
To get a tighter fit, push together the pin holder flares with your fingers.
3. Check that the ringholder is the right type.
You can dismount it by hand otherwise adjust with
the small screw on the side of the gun.
4. Load the gun with a 8mm pin and ferrule.
Check that the axle move easily with the pin and ferrule
fitted when moving back and forward.
If not, change either pinholder or ringholder.
If it still doesn´t move easily the axle is damaged and
must be sent for repair.
Make sure, never twist the axle when mounting the pinholder!