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Safe Distance
A minimum 30cm clear area around the Voyager® must be maintained at all times. Your
Voyager® has been designed to have a gap around each wall, so that the walls ex outwards
to absorb any impact and prevent contact with external hard surfaces. Please do not place or
store any items in the area around the Voyager® e.g. furniture, toys etc, as this will mean that
the equipment cannot be used safely.
Sharp Objects
Sharp objects, such as pens, pencils, hair clips, hard plastic or metal toys or hard furniture, could
cause tears in the fabric of the Voyager® so should not be taken into, or near the outside of it.
In the event of a tear occurring, please contact us immediately
Cords, or ribbons, should not be attached to the zip pullers to extend their length as this
could damage the zip.
The door should be either fully opened when access is needed, or fully closed whilst the
Voyager® is being used. Do not allow unsupervised access to the doors or windows, when
in an open position, as this provides a ap of material that could be vulnerable to damage.
It is essential that the tension on the corners of the Voyager® during assembly and use is
maintained. Please make sure no-one gains unauthorised access to the tensioning system on
the corners.
The Voyager® must not be altered or adapted in any way.