Saberz Project
M Chassis Installation Guide
Version 1.9.5_b
September 18, 2022
Page 22
LEDs on the emitter light up.
PWR/AUX button functions work as expected.
Once the above testing is completed, perform the following steps for the final task of gluing the ProffieBoard into the chassis:
Insert the kill key and remove the battery.
Using a very thin rod or brush, apply a thin amount of super glue (at the 4 corners of the board, where the rim of the
chassis meets the board). It is suggested not to glue the entire area board and just add a dab in these four sections:
Applying gap-filling super glue in these 4 areas (in combination with the tight press-fit design of this component) fully
secures the board within the chassis AND allows the benefit of removing the board from the chassis later if needed
(without damaging the chassis).
Important battery suggestions:
Before installing batteries inspect all PCBs and parts to ensure they are secured properly in place and if not apply additional
gap-filling CA glue where needed:
Do not over-glue these parts, use a minimal (just enough) amount to secure the parts in place, which provides the
ability for you to remove them later if needed.
It is suggested to use a loose piece of strong ribbon under the positive end of your battery for easy removal later.
Do not glue ribbon to the battery sled (it will stay in place without glue, and therefore can be replaced later when
the ribbon wears out):