Getting Star
Status Bar
RAIM Accuracy Level
The RAIM accuracy level specifies (in meters) the desired position accuracy used to cal-
culate current RAIM status. RAIM is a GPS integrity monitoring scheme that evaluates
the quality of position data and compares it to the specified accuracy level.
The LEDs on the front of the R4 display will show the RAIM status. The green LED in-
state; the calculated position accuracy is better than the set accuracy level.
The yellow LED indicates
state; the system is unable to safely determine if the
position accuracy is better or worse than the set accuracy level. The red LED indicates
state; the calculated position accuracy is worse than the set accuracy level. The LEDs
and RAIM states are further described in section “Status LEDs” on page 35.
The used RAIM accuracy level is the latest specified accuracy level, ei-
ther specified manually or by a leg setting in the sailed route. An under-
lined accuracy level indicates that a manually entered RAIM level
overrides RAIM levels set in the active route. This is illustrated in the figure to the left.
For details of this and on how to set current RAIM accuracy level, see section “Set RAIM”
on page 49 in the Reference chapter.