correctional facilities, heavily traveled roadways,
government facilities, or military zones.
6. Maintain visual line of sight with your aircraft at all
times and use an observer to assist if needed.
7. NEVER use the aircraft to carry illegal or
dangerous goods/payloads.
8. Make sure you understand the nature/type of your
flight operation (such as for recreation, for public
use, or for commercial use) and have obtained
corresponding approval and clearance from the
related government agencies before flight. Consult
with your local regulators for comprehensive
definitions and specific requirements. Users
operating their aircraft in the United States
should first visit http://www.knowbeforeyoufly.
org and take the most appropriate action for their
9. Please note that remote-controlled aircraft may
be banned from conducting commercial activities
in certain territories and regions. Check and follow
all local laws and regulations before flying as
those rules may differ from those stated here.
10. Respect the privacy of others when using the
camera. Make sure you comply with local
privacy laws, regulations, and moral standards.
DO NOT conduct surveillance operations such
as image capture or video recording on any
person, entity, event, performance, exhibition, or
property without authorization or where there is
an expectation of privacy, even if the image or
video is captured for personal use.
11. Please be advised that in certain areas, the
recording of images and videos from events,
performances, exhibitions, or commercial
properties by means of a camera may
contravene copyright or other legal rights, even
if the image or video is shot for personal use.
Flight Limit
1. Fly NO higher than 33 ft (10 m) above ground level
and stay away from any surrounding obstacles.
2. The Vision Positioning System is only effective
when the aircraft is at altitudes of 1.0 to 98.4 ft
(0.3 to 30 m) and works best at altitudes of 1.0 to
19.7 ft (0.3 to 6 m).
3. The performance of the Vision Positioning System
is affected by the surface being flown over. The
aircraft automatically changes to Attitude mode
when the Vision Positioning System is unavailable.
In Attitude mode the aircraft is not able to position