6. Programming with Tello
The RoboMaster TT Tello Talent can be programmed
in several ways. Use the Tello EDU app for
programming when using a mobile device. Scan the
QR code to download the app on your mobile device
or search for “Tello EDU” on the App Store or Google
Play. Visit https://www.dji.com/robomaster-tt for more
information about using computer program software
to program the RoboMaster TT.
7. Using the Open-Source
Controller and Dot-Matrix Display
& Distance-Sensing Module
Attach the dot-matrix display & distance-sensing module
to the open-source controller and attach the open-
source controller to the aircraft. Program via the Tello
EDU app or computer program software for DIY flight.
The Tello Edu app is compatible with iOS 10.0 (or
later) or Android 4.4 (or later).
Users should be confident flying a Tello before they
use the Tello Edu app to learn about programming.
Please note that the Tello app and Tello Edu app
cannot connect to the Tello simultaneously. Exit
one app before using the other.