Thank you very much for purchasing Ryno Worx crack maintenance equipment. We pride ourselves in being different from
other equipment manufacturers with a relentless focus on innovation, simplicity, and quality.
This melter was designed to be used with ‘Direct Fire’ crack sealants only. Please be sure to purchase the correct material
to ensure safe and effective operation.
Within this document are complete instructions for how to assemble, use and care for your equipment. Please make
sure you read and follow all instructions provided.
Within this document you will find the following resources:
Assembly Instructions
These instructions will assist you in assembling and preparing your melter for first time
Operation Guide
This guide will explain the functions and controls of the melter and how to use them.
Maintenance Guide
This guide will provide you with suggested maintenance tips and techniques to ensure
proper function and optimal performance.
Troubleshooting Guide
This guide will provide you with the most commonly reported problems, possible causes,
and known solutions.
Required Tools
10 mm Wrench or Socket
2 x 13 mm Wrenches or Sockets
19 mm or 3/4" Wrench or Socket
Adjustable wrenches to substitute for any wrench above
” Pipe Wrench to tighten the valve