If you receive error report, retry your last action once again. In most cases this should fix
the problem. If this you still having problems contact our support engineers.
3. Firmware update
Configurator is also used to update firmware version of FM-Xxx3 type device. There is
“Send FW” button (on the middle left on the main view (Fig 3.1)), it opens dialogue window search
for firmware file. Different device type has its own firmware file: FM-Eco3 – .efwe, FM-Pro3 –
.efwp, FM-Tco3 – .efwt. User has to open device COM port, click “Send FW”, navigate to
appropriate folder, select file and click “Open” (Fig. 3.2).
After sending firmware file to the device, notification will pop up on the bottom of the
device and LEDs will glow continuously for about a minute. Firmware update takes up to 5
minutes, so device must be powered up all that time. Device completely is ready to use when LEDs
start blinking.
Fig. 3.1 Firmware update button
Fig. 3.2 Firmware update scheme