Interleaving is a method of taking data packets, chopping them up into smaller bits and
then rearranging them so that once contiguous data is now spaced further apart into a
non continuous stream. Data packets are re-assembled by your router.
The diagram below is an example of how interleaved traffic is transmitted.
If your line is particularly susceptible to bursts of noise then interleaving should
improve your VDSL2 experience simply because if you lose a whole batch of data then
this could cause your router to loose sync with the exchange.
Using Interleaving, the router is able to re-assemble the data or if necessary just
re-request the part of the data that it is unable to recover. By increasing the interleave
depth of each ports that are susceptible to noise, this will improve error performance
and stability of marginal lines.
Channel Configuration Settings
Channel Number
To which bearer channel number shall the settings apply?
Channel 0
To which direction shall the settings apply?
Min Data Rate
Minimum Payload Data Rate
Max Data Rate
Maximum Payload Data Rate
Max Interleave Delay
Maximum Interleave Delay (set from 0 to 255ms)
1.Regarding the interleave delay value time function for anti-noise purpose, due to the noise of
each environment are different, so you could adjust interleave delay value when filed
environment has heavy noise. Please note that increase interleave delay time will reduce few
vdsl2 bandwidth and depond on interleave delay time.
2. The Min and Max Data Rate function similar rate control function, you can limit rate for the
VDSL2 port.
3. Please note you must deactivate then activate once on config port when you config
VDSL2 arguments.