Real Time Automation, Inc.
460 Gateway Device Line
Modbus RTU Master Settings
Now that the device is on the network you will configure the device settings.
As a reminder you will need to know the baud rate, parity, data bits and stop bit settings of your
Modbus slave device in order to complete device configuration.
1) If you would like to change the device description, on the main page, in the Description row, click
Edit. Otherwise, skip to step 4.
2) Type the desired description into the text box.
3) Click Save.
4) In the Selected Communication Modules row, click Edit.
5) In the Modbus row click Edit.
6) Verify that the Enabled box is checked.
7) Response Timeout is set to 500 ms by default and should suffice for most applications. Delay
Between Polls (time between scan line requests) is set to 50 ms by default. These values can be
changed to suit your requirements.
8) Select the appropriate settings in the
fields. The
settings should match your Modbus Slave device.
If your data is not flowing correctly after installing the device on the network,
check that the settings selected match the settings of your Modbus Slave device.
Incorrect settings will skew operation.