1.This warranty is given in addition to all rights given by statute or otherwise.
2.LDC Racing Sailboats warrants all boats and component parts manufactured by it to be free from
defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and circumstances, and the exercise of
prudent seamanship, for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of commissioning by the
original owner. The owner must exercise routine maintenance and care.
3.This warranty does not apply to defects in surface coatings caused by
weathering or normal use and wear.
4.This warranty does not apply if the boat has been altered, modified, or repaired without prior written
approval of LDC Racing Sailboats. Any changes to the hull structure, deck structure, rig or foils without
the written approval of LDC Racing Sailboats will void this warranty.
5.The use of the boat for commercial purposes shall void this warranty.
6.Warranty claims for materials or equipment not manufactured by LDC Racing Sailboats can be made
directly to the relevant manufacturer. LDC Racing Sailboats warrants that these parts were installed
correctly and according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
7.Warranty claims shall be made to LDC Racing Sailboats as soon as practicable and, in any event, within
28 days upon discovery of a defect. No repairs under warranty are to be undertaken without written
approval of LDC Racing Sailboats.
8.Upon approval of a warranty claim, LDC Racing Sailboats may, at its expense, repair or replace the
component. In all cases, the replacement will be equal in value to the original component.
Due to the continuing evolution of the marine market, LDC Racing Sailboats reserves the right to change the
design, material, or construction of its products without incurring any obligation to incorporate such changes in
products already built or in use.