Mast Lower Section The bottom section of a two-piece mast
Mast Step The fitting on the deck that the mast fits into
Mast Top Section The top section of a two-piece mast
The study of weather forecasting
To tie the boat to a fixed object
Mylar A brand of strong, thin, polyester film used to make racing sails
National Sailing Federation Body that governs sailing in a nation. In the UK, this is the
Royal Yachting Association
Navigation To find a way from one point to the other
Neap Tide
Tides with the smallest tidal change
‘Off the Wind’ To sail in the direction that the wind is blowing
Outboard Bracket Kit Bracket which enables an outboard engine to be attached
to the transom
Outboard Engin Small portable engine that attaches to the transom
Outhaul The control line that applies tension to the foot of the sail,
by pulling the sail along the boom
Outhaul Hook The fitting on the boom that hooks the eye at the back of
the sail, and to which the outhaul is attached
Painter The rope at the bow used to tie the boat to a fixed object
A floating jetty to moor your boat to
Port The left-hand side of the boat, when facing forwards
RS Dealer
A third-party who sells the RS range
Reach Sailing with the wind on the side of the boat