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RS Components XL Industrial Series
Product Operation
The following instructions will ensure the safe and correct use of your industrial series cleaner:
Step One: Ensure the Ultrasonic cleaner is placed on a level solid surface and wheel locks are
secured on. Ensure the Ultrasonic Generator/s are positioned in a convenient position where
their cables do not create a trip hazard, away from the risk of water ingress. It is recommended
that the mains supply is protected via an RCD (Residual Current Detector). This will provide
additional protection to the equipment/operator should the item become wet or damaged.
Step Two: Add your chosen cleaning solution to the bath (cleaning agents are not always
necessary) to a level where it will not overflow when the item to be cleaned is added. Add item
to be cleaned. The bath fluid level should Ideally be maintained to at least 2/3 of the depth of the
bath to prevent damage to the heating circuit.
Step Three: Plug the generator/s into the Ultrasonic cleaner and connect the Ultrasonic Cleaner
heating circuit to a suitably isolated wall socket, connect the Generator/s to suitable outlet
sockets. (Avoid using extension leads which could be overloaded), Switch on wall outlets.
Adjust the Ultrasonic Cleaner thermostat to the required temperature, A bright Green light will
indicate the heating circuit is operating, please note: it can take approximately 1 hour for the
temperature to reach operating temperature from cold.
Step Four: Digital displays on the control generator/s panel should now show the last set time or
generator frequency if no time has been set.
Step Five: To increase/decrease the target temperature, turn the dial to your desired temperature
we strongly suggest to use a temperature between room temp and 80 °C, using a temperature
higher than this will decrease the effectiveness of the cleaner. The heater is used to keep fluid at
a temperature between cleaning cycles, the ultrasonic process also acts to heat the fluid.
Step Six: To increase the process cleaning cycle timer value, hold the timer up arrow button.
To decrease the process cleaner cycle timer value, hold the timer down arrow button.
Step Seven: Use power up and down buttons to adjust the ultrasonic cleaning power to the
desired level. A Visual indication of the power is shown on the bar graph display at the bottom of
the display window.
Step Eight: Once the time, temperature, and power have been set press the on/off button to
begin the cycle. To end the cycle before the timer has counted down press the on/off button