20 Kiji Dava Circle Prescott, Arizona 86301
4.) Insert the four #34URP uprights into the upward facing holes of the
#24TLC legs in the following manner: the two pipes identified with red
marks on their tops are to go into the lower left and upper right locations
as viewed with one of the long faces of the assembly positioned in front of
you. Turn the upper-most holes in the uprights to face each other across
the longer faces of the assembly as shown in the left photo below.
5.) Once you have installed the uprights in their correct position, install two of
the #23CBC crossbars into the lowest sets of holes in the uprights to span
across the longer faces of the assembly. See the right photo above.
6.) Install the rings of one sheepskin pad, furry side up, over the uprights and
down onto the crossbars just installed. See the left photo below.
7.) Insert two #17CBC crossbars into the middle set of holes in the uprights to
span across the narrower faces of the assembly. See the right photo
8.) Install two #23CBC crossbars into the uppermost holes in the uprights to
again span across the longer faces of the assembly. See the left photo at
the top of the next page.
Install the uprights with
red marks at their tops at
these two locations and
face the upper-most holes
in the uprights towards
each other across the
longer faces of the
assembly as shown by
the green arrows.