Test 3:
Now, let’s test to see if the camera will properly
go into the parking mode. To test this, let’s turn off your
engine, and then LOCK the car and remove the key.
A�er a few seconds, the dash cam should
automa�cally go into 24-HR parking mode, and the
LCD will turn OFF, but the camera will stay in parking
mode. You can confirm this by the blinking red
recording LED status on the dash cam.
Test 4:
Now, let’s make sure the dash cam goes into
con�nuous recording mode automa�cally when you
turn your keys to ACC or start your engine.
Let’s turn your keys to ACC and check if the dash cam
goes into con�nuous recording; if YES, then proceed to
start your car, and the dash cam might restart, and it
should go into con�nuous recording.
If you pass all 4 TESTS above, you have installed your ROVE
R2-4K, and It’s Hardwire Kit properly. Congratula�ons and
Great Job!