ROTEX Heating Systems GmbH
Underfloor heating distributor without pump
Connect the underfloor heating system (D) and set the maximum CH supply temperature of
the boiler to the design condition. Fit a clamp thermostat (A) onto the supply tube
underneath the boiler. The clamp thermostat with blind cap must be set to a maximum
supply temperature of 55°C.
Assemble the on/off room thermostat (B) and connect it in series with the clamp thermostat
to connector X4 - 6/7 in the unit. See par. 10.1.
In this situation, the pump in the boiler is used to bridge the loss of pressure of the
underfloor heating system. Using the loss of pressure graph par. 7.4, the maximum loss of
pressure of the underfloor heating system can be determined.
Make sure there is a minimal water circulation. See par. 7.3. If required, install a by-
pass valve (C).
In case of a underfloor heating system without pump, we recommend changing the
parameter settings:
par. o from 0 to 3.
par. P from 5 to 2.
Parameter 3 must also be set to its minimum level, or the
transmission loss of the property.