Communicator | 3.05
3. Click
4. Follow the instructions.
5. Restart the computer.
6. Connect a USB cable from the Communicator to the computer.
If older versions of the driver exist on the computer, the installation program must delete them.
if prompted.
11.2 Completing the Installation
The following section summarizes the steps needed to complete the installation. Refer to the relevant
sections in the manual for further details.
Before beginning, verify that all cables are connected properly (refer to Hardware Installation,
page 46).
Configuring the Communication to Outside Devices, page 50
Setting Up an Internet Connection, page 50
Setting Up a Network Using RotemNet, page 52
Configuring the Communication to Outside Devices
1. Set the baud rate to the controllers (refer to Routing Methods, page 26).
2. Test the connection to each controller (refer to Displaying the Controllers, page 28).
3. Test the communication channel to each controller (refer to Channel/Signal Tests, page 34).
4. Set the baud rate to the local computer (refer to Defining the Communication Speed with the
Local PC, page 35).
Setting Up an Internet Connection
Accessing the Communicator and controllers via a web browser enables
the controller
For full control, use RotemNet (refer to Setting Up a Network Using RotemNet, page 52).
Internet is supported by:
Communicator, software version 3.0 and higher
Platinum Controllers, software version 3.0 and higher
Rotem Net, version 1.3.17 and higher
This section refers to Communicator Version 3.1 only equipped with Ethernet mode cards.
Users having Version 2.3 should contact technical support.
1. In the Communicator screen, select
SYSTEM > Advanced Setup > Internet > My Account
2. Write down the Ethernet device serial number.
3. On the Ethernet cable port (Figure 11), verify that:
the green lights remains on
the yellow light blinks
4. Set the Communicator Internet settings.
a. In a web browser, go to
b. In the Account Name field, type