The Ross Patrol
Pump can be used for adult and pediatric patients
provided the patients can tolerate a feeding range within the pump
operational specifications. Those specifications are:
The flow rate range is 1 to 300 mL/hr in 1 mL/hr increments.
The flow rate accuracy is ±10%, or ±0.5 mL/hr, whichever is greater.
Pumps against 18 psi nominal back pressure before no FLO alarm.
If these specifications are not appropriate for a given patient, the Patrol
Pump should not be used.
All enteral pumps have the potential to bolus-feed or overdeliver, which is
an important consideration in feeding volume-sensitive patients. In these
patients, a volume of product no more than four times the hourly feeding
rate should be hung.
Do not rely on free-flow alarm as a criterion for use with volume-
sensitive patients.
Confirm proper placement and function of patient’s enteral feeding tube
(nasogastric, nasojejunal, gastrostomy, etc). Failure to do so may result in
vomiting and/or aspiration. Verify the following before initiating feeding:
1. Only a Ross Patrol Pump Set is being used.
2. Pump set tubing is properly stretched counterclockwise under rotor and blue
connector is secured in the pump.
3. If the feeding set is damaged in any way (eg, broken, cut, torn, parts
separated), replace the set immediately.
4. Flow rate is set at the prescribed mL/hr (
refer to page 7).
Pump set and container should be replaced as needed, or at least every 24 hours,
to avoid fluid-contamination problems. For single-patient use only.
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