NK-IPS User Guide (v5.0)
DashBoard Interface Overview • 37
DashBoard Interface Overview
The DashBoard client software enables you to monitor and configure your NK-IPS. Using the interfaces provided
via the DashBoard client software, you can:
• Configure the network connection for your router
• Configure router levels and assign level names
• Assign physical router inputs and outputs to logical sources and destinations
• Configure source and destination labels
• Perform crosspoint preset/takes
• Monitor the status of multiple levels
• Create and use salvos
For More Information on...
• the DashBoard client software, refer to the
DashBoard User Manual
NK-IPS in DashBoard
NK-IPS groups the configuration, monitoring, and operating features in a Tree View in the DashBoard client
window. Each node of the tree opens to reveal one or more sub-nodes, giving access to the features for your router.
NK-IPS includes the following interfaces, as separate nodes, in the DashBoard Tree View.
NK Series IPS Interface
The NK-IPS uses the NK Series IPS interface in DashBoard to allow users to configure interface and security
options for the NK-IPS, as well as having the ability to assign a name and brief details for the device itself.
Any changes to the parameters on the NK Series IPS interface will need to be sent to the NK-IPS using the
button before the changes take effect.
Figure 8.1 Example of an NK Series IPS Interface in DashBoard
summarizes the fields and menus displayed in the NK Switchboard interface.