Time 11:00
After another second the violation is over. The screener
must now react and release the panic button.
Time 12:00
Another second later and the screener has released the
panic button. AirCleaner
marks that frame of video as
the end of the violation (as shown by the upward arrow).
The button release is not advanced by the Reaction Time
Time 20:00
Eight seconds later the violation is progressing through
the video pipeline delay. The start and end of the
violation (as depicted by the two arrows) are marked to
tell the system when to switch to the real-time defocus
engine or aux in video feed.
Time 43:00
After twenty-three more seconds the violation is near the
end of the video pipeline delay. The first frame that was
marked as the start of the violation is just one second
away from triggering the system.
Time 44:00
One second later the first frame of the violation has
arrived at the trigger point. If the defocus is being used
the video is routed to the real-time defocus engine.
If the Defocus Ramp is set, AirCleaner
starts the fade
(ramp) to the defocus level before the frame marked as the start
of the violation so that the defocus is fully applied for that frame.
Time 45:00
After another second the aux in video feed is cut in or
the video is exiting the defocus engine. The first second
of the video before to the violation is now defocussed or
replaced and is fed out the PGM OUT.
Time 50:00
After five more seconds the end of the violation is nearing
the trigger point. The previous six seconds of video have
been defocussed or replaced and fed out the PGM OUT.
Abekas AirCleaner User Manual (v3.5) — Operation •