5. Pitting cherries
Place a fl at dish or bowl below the outlet to collect the fruit.
Remove the cherry stems and place the fruit in the transparent container.
Make sure that the fruits roll into the aperture in the appliance. The fruit will
be automatically centered in the correct position in the appliance. Press the
punch downwards with the fl at of your hand until it is fully down. The fruit
will be automatically pitted and ejected all in one go. The shape of cherries
may sometimes prevent them from rolling smoothly into the aperture of the
appliance. In such cases they can be given a little push with a fi nger.
6. Pitting plums
Fit cutting unit for plums and plum holder (See instructions above).
Place a fl at dish or bowl below the outlet to collect the fruit.
Place each plum by hand into the holder.
The plums must be exactly
and correctly positioned in the holder.
Please observe the illustration.
ROE-Anleitung-Entkerner.indd 20
ROE-Anleitung-Entkerner.indd 20
25.01.2011 16:01:18 Uhr
25.01.2011 16:01:18 Uhr