Rosen Aviation
Blu-ray DVD Player
Document Number: 102900
Revision: F
Date: 10/29/10
Template: 4.2.3-6-FM; Revision A; 16 April, 2009
Page 10 of 16
Display Color Space
: Select the color space of the DVI/HDMI display output signal. Choices
include xvYCC, YCC and RGB.
: Many displays become confused by xvYCC and YCC, and display purple.
Display Film Mode
: Enable 24Hz refresh rate on a 1080p DVI/HDMI display output signal.
Choices include Off and On.
: The 24Hz refresh rate on a 1080p DVI/HDMI display output signal is only for 24Hz
disc content and for the Setup Menu. Disc content that is 50Hz or 60Hz will be played
back as though Display Film Mode were Off.
Digital Audio Output
: Select the format of the digital audio output signals (HDMI and SPDIF).
Choices include PCM 7.1, Bitstream HD, Bitstream Legacy, Bitstream Mixed, PCM 5.1 and PCM
Using Bitstream Mixed overrides all other speaker settings
Digital Audio PCM Downsampling
: Select the sampling rate of PCM digital audio output
signals (HDMI and SPDIF). Choices include 48Hz, 96Hz and Off. (Off allows various sampling
rates, depending on the disc.)
Dynamic Range Control
: Enable range compression, which attempts to level the volume
throughout the movie, making it easier to hear. Choices include On, Auto and Off.
Front L&R Speakers
: Select the size of front speakers. Choices are Large and Small.
Center Speaker
: Enable and select the size of center speaker. Choices include Large, Small
and Off.
Surround L&R Speakers
: Enable and select the size of surround speakers. Choices include
Large, Small, and Off.
Disabling the Surround L&R Speakers will also disable the Rear
L&R Speakers. This will not be reflected in the setup menu, where
the Rear L&R speakers will show as large or small.
Rear L&R Speakers
: Enable and select the size of rear speakers. Choices include Large,
Small and Off.
Rear L&R Speakers will not function when Surround L&R
Speakers are disabled.
Subwoofer Speaker
: Enable the Subwoofer speaker. Choices are On and Off.
Bass Crossover Frequency
: Enable the Bass Crossover. Choices include Off, 80Hz, 100Hz
and 120Hz.