Automatic Escalator Deep Cleaning Machine – Rotomac 360
Created by Rosemor International Ltd
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If work on the opened machine within
connected current is absolutely
necessary, such work may be carried out
only by a qualified electrician who is
familiar with all attendant dangers and the
relevant work stipulations (VDE0100).
When work is carried out on machine or
parts when live, only tools specially
intended for this purpose may be used.
1 Safety instructions
1.1 Preliminary remarks
The escalator deep machine Rotomac 360 was
manufactured according to state-of-the-art
technology and in compliance with all relevant
regulations. This, however, does not guarantee
that some other unavoidable dangers for
persons and property can occur. All personnel
working with this machine must therefore read
and follow these operating instructions, and in
particular the safety regulations, with great care.
These operating instructions must remain at the
machine for use by the operator. Each operator
must receive thorough instruction on handling
and working with the machine.
1.2 Owner’s duties
In accordance with EU directive on the use of
operating equipment 89/655/EEC Art.6(1) and 7
and EU framework directive 89/391/EEC Art.1(1)
and Art. 6(1), the owner of the equipment is
obliged to instruct all persons, particularly with
regard to safety, who will be authorised to work
on assembly, operation, maintenance, repair or
dismantling of the machine.
The owner is also obliged in accordance with EU
directive on the use of operating equipment
89/655/EEC Art.4a to inspect the machine
before start-up, following repair work and
following faults or malfunction.
1.3 Intended and specified use
The escalator deep cleaning machine Rotomac
360 is exclusively intended for basic and
maintenance cleaning of indoor and outdoor
escalators. Any use beyond this stipulation must
be considered as contrary to the manufacturer’s
intentions. The manufacturer will not be liable for
any damage resulting from such work; all risk in
this case will be borne exclusively by the
operator. Correct use of the machine also
includes compliance with the conditions of
operation and maintenance stipulated by the
• The escalator deep cleaning machine Rotomac
360 is not intended, nor suitable for cleaning
hazardous dirt.
• The machine is not fire-proof.
• The machine is also not licensed for use in
cleaning public streets and paths.
1.4 Who may operate the machine?
The machine may only be used by persons who
have been instructed in its operation and who
are expressly authorised to carry out such work.
These persons should be at least 18 years old.
All relevant accident prevention regulations and
other generally recognised rules of safety
engineering, industrial medicine and the
Highway Code must be strictly observed.
Assembly, equipment, maintenance and repair
work demand special knowledge and may only
be carried out by specially trained experts.
1.5 Safety for the operator
• The user must under no circumstances touch
the plug of the power supply with damp hands.
• When the machine is being disconnected from
the power network, only the plug itself may be
pulled - never the power cable.
• The machine may be repaired or opened only
by qualified electricians.