Automatic Escalator Deep Cleaning Machine – Rotomac 360
Created by Rosemor International Ltd
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After the cable has been connected once more,
the procedure described above can be started a
new and the escalator cleaned again up to the
top completely extended step. After the machine
has been run from the lower to the highest
completely extended step, one side of the
escalator will have been cleaned.
The machine must now be shifted from the left
to the right or vice versa (Fig. 13: Shifting
Fig. 13: Shifting machine
The cleaning process can then be started for the
right or left side and take place as described
3.12 Subsequent cleaning
Manual cleaning equipment has been developed
by Rosemor International Ltd by means of
comprehensive practical tests.
With this equipment, any subsequent cleaning
that may become necessary, such as major
soiling on the edges and the joining areas
between two steps, can be carried out easily.
3.13 Refilling with fresh water
The operator must carry out regular checks at
the transparent feeder tube for fresh water (29)
to ensure that the machine is receiving a supply
of detergent solution. If bubbles appear in the
tube or if no liquid can be seen, the fresh-water
tank is empty and must be refilled. Let the
machine stand in the lowered position on the
escalator and fill fresh water along with cleaning
agent according to instructions in Section 3.3
3.14 Emptying the dirty-water tanks
(see Fig. 14: Remove dirty-water tank and
Fig.15: Insert dirty-water tank)
Set key switch (10) to "0" position
Draw the dirty-water tank (2) forward
and set down onto shaft (13)
Remove tank lid (1) with suction tubes
and let hang to the side
Grip tank on the carrying-troughs and
dispose of dirty water according to the
relevant environment regulations
Place dirty-water tank (2) onto shaft (13)
and insertion area
Replace tank cover (1)
Place in tank (2) and check secure
Set key switch (10) to position "1"
Start suction with START/STOP key (5)
Check fitting of tank cover!
Switch off suction with START/STOP
key (5)
The work can now be continued
All valid regulations
regarding waste water must
be strictly observed when
the dirty water is being
When the fresh-water tank is
being filled it is essential that
the dirty-water tank is
The manual cleaning
equipment manufactured by
Rosemor International Ltd is
particularly suitable for minor
subsequent cleaning.