7. Storage-
If batteries are out of operation for longer periods, they should be stored in
fully charged state in a dry, frost free room.
In order to ensure that the battery is ready for operation at any time, it can be
recharged according to one of the following methods:
1. Full recharge every three months. When a consumer is connected up (e.g.
measuring or controlling devices), it may be necessary to recharge the battery
every two weeks.
2. Maintenance recharging at a recharging voltage of 2.25 V x number of cells.
The storage period is to be taken into account for the service life.
8. Faults-
The customer service should be called immediately when any faults are
discovered in battery or battery charger.
Lead Acid (LA) Battery Instructions
Kindly ensure that the Warranty certificate of the battery is available at
your end.
Kindly read the Do’s & Don't’s of the battery, understand and follow.
Check the electrolyte level before charging and top it up with battery
grade distilled water if required.
Match the battery to the correct charger.
Keep the battery well ventilated while charging.
Charge the battery immediately after it is discharged completely.
Keep all inter cell connections and bolted terminals tight and covered
with petroleum jelly.
Battery Connection Diagram
Battery And Charger Specification
Type: Traction block battery
Rating: 24V, DC, 200Ah, 240Ah, 320Ah
Type: Off-board
Rating: 230V, AC, 50-60Hz, 30Amps
Disposal Of Batteries
Old batteries with this sign are recyclable economic goods and should be
brought back into the recycling process.
Old batteries which are not brought back into the recycling process, have to be
dealt with as dangerous materials under the observance of all regulations.
RootsScrub RB 800/950