NOISE Slider
Adjusts the volume of the noise added to the sound.
HPF is a High-Pass Filter that only allows higher frequencies to pass through to the output.
FREQ Slider
This sets the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter. Frequency bands below the cutoff are filtered out while
those above are allowed to pass through, removing bass and giving the sound a “thinner” timbre.
VCF is a Low-Pass Filter that only allows lower frequencies to pass through to the output.
FREQ Slider
This sets the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter. Frequency bands above the cutoff are filtered out while
those below are allowed to pass through, removing higher frequencies and giving the sound a mellower, subtle,
or rounded timbre.
RES Slider
This controls the resonance, which boosts the sound around the filter’s cutoff frequency. Higher resonance
provides more emphasis to the frequencies around the filter cutoff frequency, producing more electronic or
synthesizer textures. To an extent, it also deemphasizes some of the lower frequencies in the sound.
This selects the polarity (direction) of the filter envelope.
ENV Slider
Adjusts the depth by which ENV controls the cutoff frequency.
LFO Slider
Adjusts the depth by which LFO modulates the cutoff frequency.
KBD Slider
This allows the cutoff frequency to be adjusted automatically depending on the notes you play. It is needed to
counteract some of the impact that a filter can have on frequencies as you play up and down a keyboard. For
example with a low-pass filter, the sound becomes more muted and less precise as you play higher notes. To
counteract this, moving the KEY FOLLOW slider upward will cause the cutoff frequency to increase as you play
progressively higher notes.
VCA is a Voltage Controlled Amplifier that allows you to adjust the volume of the patch.
LEVEL Slider
This adjusts the amplitude (volume) of the patch.
This selects the polarity (direction) of the amplitude envelope.