With the sensor of the E-Field-1 "points" to the suspected field
sources or, if no specific field sources are known, the space
systematically examined. Proceed as follows:
• for a first overview, go slowly around the room
• pause often and measure the field strengths to the back, left, right
and above.
• the measurement in the direction of the highest reading in order to
identify the field sources, or,
• if a typical location for a long delay is reached e.g. the bed or the
workplace, check all directions according to the above instructions
and hold the sensor in the position of the highest display.
• the measured value which is measured in the direction of the
highest display can be used as a first approximation as the
resulting field strength.
The probe should be led quietly and smoothly, as abrupt
movements result in temporarily artificially high values of electric DC
An examination of a sleeping place should also be measured in
each case under "sleeping conditions", i.e. with a bedside lamp
Sensor measurement direction
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