Data Output from the Computer
Before outputting data, make the appropriate cable connections to link the computer and the machine. Refer to the user's manuals for
each model for explanations on making connections and connection specifications.
The character code systems supported by the machine are ASCII, ISO, and EIA. ASCII is an abbreviation for the “American Standard
Code for Information Interchange.” ASCII is the most widely used code standard established for computers to handle text, and is used
by virtually all computers. Text is output as normal ASCII unless you use software which can output ISO or EIA codes to the machine,
or a program which converts ASCII to ISO or EIA.
Numerically controlled machine tools (NC machines) generally use ISO (International Organization for Standardization) or EIA
(Electronic Industry Association) as their character code system. Both of these use a data length of 8 bits, which means that ASCII, with
a length of 7 bits, cannot be used without modification. In an ISO code, the 8th bit is for parity checking, with bits 1 through 7 the same
as the corresponding ASCII code. (Refer to "AppendicesCharacter Code Table (ISO, EIA, and ASCII)" .)