Rokola Music
Modernization of jukeboxes
J u k e b o x D i g i t a l R K 4
Venezuela-Puerto Cabello Cell phone: +58 414-3453712 Email:
Randomly activate jukebox volume
Increase the Minimum Random Volume up to 10
Increase the Maximum Random Volume up to 20. It must be greater than the minimum
random volume.
Enable or disable on the NumLock keyboard
Enable display test. Test the four digits of the display and the Hit and Bono outputs.
Change the time of the gift song from 1 to 10 minutes. Each time the code 9935 is entered,
the time increases until it reaches 10 minutes and then starts again at 1.
Enable or disable Gift Song.
Enable or disable Effect ChangeDisk. The program has three types of effect ChangeDisk,
they are randomly selected.
Change the amount of credit per coin from 1 to 10. Each time this code is entered the value
increases by one unit until it reaches ten, and then begins again in one.
Enable or disable Relay Control (if is enable works as Hit).
The output of the
display card turns on a LED every time a Hit is selected (recording that has already been selected
more than 100 times).
the output of the display card (Hit output) can activate a relay
every time a recording is selected.
Enable or disable Mute Sounds. Enable: Silence the warning sounds of the RK4 program.
Increase the volume of warning sounds from 1 to 10. Each time code 9960 is entered; the
volume increases until it reaches 10 and then starts at 1.
Clear the Rating.
Enable or disable Code Entry. Enable: The display shows “U” scrolling and the selection of
each recording is made by entering the file number in four digits format. If the file number is less
than three digits, add a zero at the beginning.
Enable sequence test play songs (play all songs on the song board sequentially)
Enable Password Change (assignment, change or deletion of Password). See section
1.9 - Password.
Update the new files you want to add. In case of adding new files, it is necessary to update
the system, the new files are renamed and they will be added as part of the music files of the
jukebox, the RK4 program generates a file (Available.txt), where the located information of all
available files. The SongList.txt file is also created, which the RK4 program uses to work with
better performance.