Date of Issue: 04/2008
Revision: 1.0
4.4.3 Engine warm up, Engine check
Prior to engine check block the main wheels using chocks. Initially
warm up the engine to 2000 rpm for approx. 2 minutes, then continue to
2500 rpm till oil temperature reaches 122°F. The warm up period
depends on ambient air temperature.
Check both ignition circuits at 4000 rpm for Rotax 912 ULS. The engine
speed drop during the time either magneto switched off should not over
300 rpm. The Max. engine speed drop difference between circuits A
and B should be 120 rpm.
Only one magneto should be switched on (off) during ignition magneto
Set max. power for verification of max. speed with given propeller and
engine parameters (temperatures and pressures).
Check acceleration from idling to max. power. If necessary, cool the
engine at 3000 rpm before shutdown.
The engine check should be performed with the aircraft heading upwind
and not on a loose terrain (the propeller may suck grit which can
damage the leading edges of blades).
4.4.4 Taxiing
Apply power and brakes as needed. Apply brakes to control movement
on ground. Taxi carefully when wind velocity exceeds 20 knots. Hold
the control stick in neutral position, or in a position that properly
deflects a crosswind.