Display Menu Introduction
There are 3 configuration items on the display menu; Print from SD, Preheat and Utilities.
1. Print from SD:
To load a file from SD Card.
2. Preheat:
To preheat the Hot-End(Nozzle) and Platform.
Right Tool: By setting On/Off, you can start preheating of the right extruder.
Left Tool: By setting On/Off, you can start preheating of the left extruder.
3. Utilities:
It will lead to 12 different options for hardware. You may not change the settings without any specific
explanation because they are only for developers or aftersales service.
Monitor Mode: It shows current temperature of the extruder and printing status.
Filament Loading: To put the filament into the extruder or pull it out of the extruder.
Preheat Settings: To set up temperature and the Extruder.
General Settings: To configure sound, LED color or etc.
Ditto Printing Off
Override GCTemp Off
Pause with Heat Off
Sound On/Off
Heat LEDs On/Off
LED Color: To change LED colors.
Accelerate On/Off
Extruder Hold On/Off
HBP Installed Yes/No
Tool Offset Sys New/Old
Check SD Reads Yes/No
P-Stop Control On/Off