Virtual Cash Controller product guide – page 9
These parameters are adjustable to allow a wide variety of
copiers to be used and to ensure that all copies will be
accurately counted, regardless of the copier manufacturer
and copier speed.
If you are in any doubt how to change these settings
please contact
or call +1-603-744-
2188 ext 1.
Leading / Trailing Edge debiting
With leading-edge debiting (default), the debit occurs after
the minimum pulse-width time (sense time) is satisfied.
With trailing-edge debiting, the software delays the debit
until after the debit pulse goes inactive.
The preferred method with today’s copiers is leading-edge
Pic. Example debit pulse with leading-edge debiting
Pic. Example debit pulse with trailing-edge debiting
Sense Time
This is the minimum length of time a debit pulse must be
active for it to be considered a valid debit pulse. The valid
range is 0 – 30 seconds in 10ms increments. If sense time
is set too short, the VCC could interpret noise as a debit
pulse; if it is set too long, the unit may not register all
copies made.
The VCC boots with sense time set to 20ms.
Blind Time
This is the length of time after a valid pulse when any
further pulses registered by that opto are ignored. The
valid range is 0 – 30 seconds in 10ms increments. Blind
Time masks unwanted pulses (i.e., double pulses or
glitches). If this parameter is set too short, double debits
could occur, but if set too long, vends could be missed.
The VCC boots with Blind Time set to 10ms.
Reset Delay
This is the length of time that the relays stay energized
after the job is terminated (i.e., the patron pushes the
terminate button or escrow falls below the vend price).
This setting must be long enough for the job to complete
and the paper to get through the copier, but not so long
that another job starts.
The VCC boots with Reset Delay set to 500ms.
Eject Delay
This is the length of time between the end of the Reset
Delay and the moment the account is closed. If Eject
Delay is set too short, the account will be closed while the
copier is still running. If set too long, a customer might
become irritated, waiting for his or her account to close.
The VCC boots with Eject Delay set to 500ms.
If you are experiencing any problems with copies not
counting correctly or copies not registering at all then
please use the debug mode (see page 5 of this guide) to
adjust the copier timing parameters while off-line so that
you can determine the correct settings to apply in your
chosen copy and print management software.