SV-HVR2800 Series DVR User Manual
Daylight Saving Time Mode to Date, and manually entering the dates and times that
daylight savings time applies to and from, in your locality. Note: Some NTP servers are
NOT fully compatible with DST. This may cause your system to double-count adding
one or removing one more hour than they should, or cancel each other out. You may
need to intentionally change your time zone to compensate, or simply not use NTP and
DST simultaneously.
Enable Password:
While enabled, the DVR will require a password to access, even for
local users. It’s advisable to enable password protection Auto Lock Time: While the
password protection is enabled, the DVR will automatically time-out, whereafter it will
ask for a password before returning to normal functioning. The Auto Lock Time
determines how long a period of inactivity will cause the DVR to lock itself again.
Device ID:
Differentiates your DVR from other devices. If you
don’t have any other
DVR’s or similar devices, then you can leave this as-is. If you’ve got multiple DVRs
running on the
same network, then it’s a great idea to give each a unique ID.
9.2 User
User menu is where you can define and configure the different levels of access various
users have to the DVR. We suggest that at minimum
the admin account be password protected, as it has
access to all
aspects of the DVR’s operation.
To add additional users, choose Add. To remove a
user, choose Delete.
To customize a user’s level of
access, choose Modify.
You cannot modify the access level of the default
admin account - they can do everything. This is to
prevent an unfortunate incident where, for example,
no user has the permissions required to change
another user’s permissions – which could lead to the
DVR being, in at least some senses, inoperable.
User Name:
Select a name for the user you want to define. The best usernames are
short, to the point, are relevant to t
he specific user they’re intended for, are easily
memorable and hard to guess.
A password can be any combination of numbers (0 though 9) between four
and eight characters long.